Author : Yamini Gupta

Now everyone loves buying a new home and designing it and the first time we enter it, it feels like our hard work has given us such a sweet result that feels like heaven…..

Now even I wanted to buy a brand new house that no one would have imagined or thought about, so imagination and brain met and you know what happens their talks can extend till infinite years and I had to listen to all their talks now ill tell you what they were talking so are you ready to start the magical imaginative journey that will impress you to be more creative so let’s start…

Now the first question that will come to your mind would be which house will I own so let’s reveal the secret my house will be the….. SOLAR SYSTEM yes SOLAR SYSTEM the solar system will be my house and the planets, stars, moons, will be rooms, storage, paths, etc…..

So let me tell you how will I design my house so let’s start…

The SUN will be the dining hall where will be a lot of things, decorations made out of ashes orange, red and yellow color and the blasts in the sun will be placed under the chairs so that if they blast we will have a nice amusement type ride …

MERCURY will be my gaming room where I can play online games and online games

VENUS will be the hot tub where we can have a nice bath as the temp on venus is the highest compared to all other planets so it would be a nice idea to make a large large tub and put water in it, it won’t even take 30 sec for the water to warm up…

THE EARTH ya indeed the planet that we live on so that I am taking all planets to have different features lets make the earth a swimming pool oh nice the earth is full of water that is salty and so can be a swimming pool nice idea, isn’t it…

MARS ya the planet that has chances of lives survival so now what could mars be might be ill choose… my study room ya there is not much but we know that there are so many satellites robots sent and they could be like the decoration of science-loving student that is indeed me…

JUPITER the largest planet on earth hmm… let’s think might be this could be my science lab because it should be big big and bigger for all the experiments liquids fluids etc…

SATURN hmm… oh I know it has a ring right so it will be the playground the planet a playground and the ring a walking path for the adults it will have a lot of swings stunt bars etc but they should be big cause when kids become big and they cannot use them…

URANUS will be the library because the books my dry in the heat but the books will stay cool on Uranus…

NEPTUNE will be our freezer because it is cold and it will protect all our food from oxidation…

THE MOONS I have something special for them they will be like assistant robots that will give us anything that we need a nice job and because Jupiter has a lot of moons it will share its moons with the other planets…

Now I am done with all the aspects just I have to enter my house so bye

have a good day…

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